How’s training going, Mo?
During the runs I feel great, but I’ve been a bit of a zombie at work! My body feels like it’s telling me I need to sleep all the time.
I’ve found myself getting up for an early-morning run and just thinking – what am I doing?! I feel like that, right up to the point I close the door and actually start running.
How’s your plan going for a school running club?
I’ve had about 100 students wanting to do it, which is great. I’ve got the food technology teacher lined up to make some energy bars and chat about nutrition, and I’m going to do some self- esteem stuff with them.
Back to you, have you noticed progress despite finding the workload tough?
The other day I was supposed to do a 45-minute easy run and was feeling good so decided to go for it. I actually came really close – so I know I’m getting a bit quicker.
What mental tricks do you use?
I’ve got a bit of a mantra. I feel embarrassed saying it…but mine is, ‘I’m doing this because I can do it. I’m doing it because the challenge will make me a better person, a better husband, a better dad and a better friend.’