Peter Liddiard + istock.com / Sebastian Kaczorowski
1. Get lubed up
If you experience chafing you’ll know it’s no laughing matter, no matter how hilarious your costume may be. If you found on your test run that your super-hero outfit rubbed you up the wrong way, then safeguard your skin by lubing up with Vaseline or a specialist anti-chafe product such as Body Glide.
And we recommend wearing a dry-fit or similar short-sleeved technical running top underneath to help with wicking.
2. Ensure you can actually run in it
It pays to take your fancy dress out for a test run before the big day – after all, you want to make sure you can actually run in it. If possible try it out at a local parkrun or 10K as that will highlight any areas of potential chafing (see number 1) while making sure it’s not a danger to other runners (see number 4).
Nothing new on race day – not even a comedy tutu.
3. Retain your modesty
Public displays of (semi) nudity may be a good source of ‘bantz’ but take it from us, you won’t impress anyone with your meat and two veg at mile 20. Think of the other runners and spare them the image of your sweaty derrière – remember Borat is so 2006.
4. Don’t endanger others
If your costume covers your head or includes a mask that obscures your vision make sure you have someone with you who can actually see where you’re going. Conversely if your costume is bulky or has protruding features give the runners around you a wide berth and don’t attempt any tight or risky overtaking manoeuvres. Be careful out there.
5. Enjoy!
You may be dressed as Batman but this is not a time for fighting crime. Bear in mind your form is going to take a hit, so trying to stick to your usual pace or, even worse, trying for a PB, will only end in tears. Whatever your reason for dressing up, remember you’re supposed to be having fun. So relax, take your time, and spread some joy. Just don’t let that bloke in The Joker costume overtake you.