Ashley Before and After

Ashley Humphreys lost 10 stone through joining the British Military Fitness (BMF) in an emotional story of triumph.

In 2011, Ashley weighed in at 24 stone and was ‘not in a good place’. It was also in this year Ashley suffered a series of personal tragedies, losing not only his mother, but his grandmother too.

It was in this dark time Ashley made the decision to make a major change in his lifestyle and join the British Military Fitness.

“I was devastated,” says Ashley. “I had no choice but to leave the home where I lived with my mum and move in with my aunt. She was the one who mentioned BMF to me and made me try it out as she was worried about my weight.”

That’s exactly what Ashley did: “At the time of starting BMF I was not in a good place,” he continued. “I just wanted to stay in my room all day and not talk to anybody. I just didn’t see the point anymore, but with BMF I started to meet new people and losing the weight allowed me to gain the confidence I lacked.”

British Military Fitness classes include a combination of running, circuit training and strength work. Which they claim will have you losing on average 684 calories per session.

After just two years of thrice-weekly outdoor fitness classes at Moor Park in Preston, overcoming injuries, family bereavements and even the end of a relationship, Ashley now weighs 14 stone.

“A 10km run was something I would never even have thought possible before BMF,” says Ashley. “Without the enthusiasm and constant motivation from the BMF instructors, I definitely wouldn’t have signed up for one! I am now taking on the Major Series 10km obstacle course in Bramham Park in Leeds in October and plan on running plenty more races in the future.”

Ashley has since graduated from university with a degree in Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, and is now hoping to become an officer in the Army with the Royal Military Police.

“I really hope that someone reads my story and decides to get active, no matter how they are feeling – I am proof that anyone can do it. I can honestly say that BMF has changed my life. I went from feeling isolated and depressed and now I can say I have never felt so happy and positive.”

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