TRX training for runners

Whether you’re preparing for a marathon or just going for a jog around the block, TRX training is a great way to improve or recover and strengthen efficiently.

“The TRX is particularly good for runners because it will help build strength in your legs while working the whole body in several planes of movement, which counteracts the repetitive forward running motion that can cause muscle imbalances and injuries,” Matt Gleed, TRX Senior Master Trainer explains.

“The Yoga-style exercises below will also lengthen as well as strengthen the muscles, giving you a better freedom of movement. This encourages greater flexibility, especially in common tight sports for runners.”


trx training for runners

TRX dancer pose

“The TRX Dancer pose has great flexibility benefits for runners and the progressions shown allow the runner to find the right level of stretch in the hip flexor and moves to stretching the quadriceps more as you move through the stages, you should always spend time breathing with your stretch and let your body tell you when you can try to increase the stretch,” says Gleed.

Straps: Mid-length

• Begin this progression (TRX Low Lunge) facing away from your anchor point. Place one foot into the foot cradle with the knee on the floor.
• The opposite foot should be placed in front of you with your knee bent. Carefully place your hands onto the front thigh, and adjust the hips so they face forward.
• If possible, you can bend the back knee and reach the same hand back to grab either the straps or the handle.

• Place yourself so you are standing in front of the straps with one foot into both foot cradles. Bend the back knee and reach the same hand for the straps.
• Keep the chest lifted and try not to dump all the weight forward. Use the straps to continue lifting the foot up.
• Grab the handles to deepen the stretch. Reach the opposite hand forward.

• From progression 2, reach back with the opposite hand to grab onto the straps. Place your hands along the straps so that they are right next to each other.
• As you ground through the standing leg, begin to walk the hands down closer to the foot as your flexibility allows.
• Press the foot into the straps as you create tension by pulling with the hands either in the handles or further up on the straps. Maintain a lifted chest.


trx training for runners

TRX Warrior II pose

“A strong TRX warrior two pose allows stability into your stretch, when you add the TRX you can find more support to challenge the positions range, or use it to add upper body integration through the applied force into the handles,” says Gleed.

Straps: Mid-length

• Stand beneath your anchor point with one hand on each handle. Step forward with one foot into a lunge position and then turn out your back foot 90 degrees.
• Press down into the handles to engage under the shoulder blades. Turn your head so you are looking over the front fingertips.

• In this progression, follow the similar set-up as progression 1, but grab both handles with the back hand.
• Maintain the front arm at even height and continue to engage through both arms evenly.


trx handstand

TRX handstand

“This exercise is more for strengthening the core, legs and arms. It’s a challenging and intimidating pose, but similar to using a wall or partner to assist you, the TRX Suspension Trainer serves as a great tool to help you to slide into an inversion and feel confident along the way,” says Gleed.

This is also called a TRX Standing Split.
• Stand facing away from the anchor point with one foot in both foot cradles. Slowly lower your hands to the ground in front of you.
• The leg that is in the Suspension Trainer extends further toward the ceiling. Walk your hands as far back as you can.
• To release out of the pose, slowly walk your hands and the non-suspended leg forward towards the anchor.

• Starting from the TRX Standing Split, press your hands strongly into the floor and drive the back heel forcefully into the foot cradles to bring the non-suspended foot off the floor.
• Bend the free leg and bring the knee to the chest.
• Drive the suspended-heel strongly into the foot cradles. Squeeze the belly-button into the spine to engage the core.

• From progression 2, try lifting the non-suspended leg towards the suspended leg. Keep tension on the straps. Engage the core, continue to press the hands firmly into the earth.
• To come out of the pose, slowly lower the non-suspended leg back down to the ground. Carefully begin to walk the hands and the non-suspended leg forwards towards the anchor. Carefully remove the foot cradles.

For more information about TRX, visit