Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had to miss a group training session? Perhaps you were working late or were ‘forced’ to go to the pub for drinks? Well, fear not: that doesn’t mean you have to miss training all together. Here are some time-efficient workouts that will help to keep your training on track. Just don’t forget to allow time for a decent warm-up and warm-down, too!
1. Cruising Miles
Session: 3 x 1 mileRoss in action
Recovery: 2:30mins
Pace: Between 5-10K
Approx total time: 21-30mins
Why is it good?
This workout is essentially a broken down 5K. It’s a good way to get the heart rate up for 20 minutes or more and the 2:30 minutes recovery will allow you to feel good on the reps. If you’re aiming for a 10K, it’s a great race sharpener.
2. Quick Quarters
Session: 10 x 60secs
Recovery: 60secs
Pace: 3K
Total approximate time: 20mins
Why is it good?
This is a great session to turn the legs over quicker and improve your speed. Running quicker will mean that when you come back to 5/10K pace, it will feel a lot easier. Towards the end the session, it will begin to bite, but don’t worry as this will really help with your lactic tolerance.
3. Fartlek Fun
Session: Two sets of: 3mins (75secs), 2mins (75secs), 1min (60secs), 1min (90secs)
Pace: 3min and 2min reps at 5K pace, 1min reps going quicker than 3K pace
Recovery: See above in brackets
Total approximate time: 25mins
Why is it good?
The 3min and 2min reps will help you get used to running your 5K pace but the 75secs means you’re not running yourself into the ground. The 60secs efforts will again help your speed, and it’s a good way to put a little bit of lactic in the legs.
4. Tempo Time
Session: 20-minute threshold run
Pace: Threshold (if you’re not sure what your threshold pace is, run at 10K pace)
Total approximate time: 20mins
Why is it good?
Threshold running is KEY to any distance runner. It’s a very simple but effective way to improve your aerobic threshold, cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.
5. Quick/Slow Ks
Session: 5 x 3mins
Recovery: 75-90secs
Pace: Reps 1-3-5 at around 5K pace and reps 2-4 at threshold pace
Total approximate time: 20mins
Why is it good?
After you’ve run your hard rep, by running your next rep at threshold you are training the body to flush out lactic even when running. Since you’re running one rep hard, one rep easy, you can keep recoveries short, which is very beneficial for building your aerobic endurance.