Whether it’s hills, intervals or just a good old long run, we all have our favourite sessions. That’s why we thought it would be a good idea to let MR’s readers share their best sessions with each other! This week’s session is suggested by former Project 26.2 team member (and MR blogger) Ant Durkin.
What is it?
The session:
15mins easy (8min/miling)
5 x 3mins at threshold pace, 90secs jog recovery
20mins at marathon pace (6:55 min/miling) followed by 15mins easy.
(obviously adjust the pace levels accordingly)
It’s probably best done on the road.
Why do you like it?
I like it because it’s one of those sessions where you know you’ve pushed yourself and, while you can’t wait for it to be over, you know that when you look back on it, you’ll be happy with what you’ve done.
Why will others?
Other people will enjoy it because it’s the type of session that increases fitness and pace.