man who is thinking about his choice of sport activity.

Sean Lerwill, trainer and author of The Body Transformation Manual (, reveals the best steps forward for those looking to lose weight with running.

  1. Have a goal and make it specific (i.e. run 5km by Easter without stopping or run the Marathon in May). Once it’s set, tell people – it makes it easier to strive for it
  2. To lose fat, change your diet. No amount of training can out-train a bad diet.
  3. Eat protein with every meal – aim for 20g of protein every three hours. Fill up the rest of the plate with veg and a palm-size amount of simple carbs (eg rice, sweet potato, pasta).
  4. Include resistance training. Running alone will help you lose weigh, but muscle is metabolic tissue that burns energy and burns fat when resting.
  5. Do multi-joint ‘compound’ squats, press-ups, pull-ups, dips, lunges.
  6. Drink a litre of water for every 20kg of bodyweight to aid fat burning.
  7. Sleep 7-9hrs a night for optimal recovery and aiding fat burning.
  8. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT), not just long slow runs. Interval training has been shown to promote fat burning far quicker than steady-state running on its own.