
Sport psychologists have long been aware of the fact that self-confidence is proven to influence athletic performance. You only have to listen to TV commentary from ex-athletes to know that it is a vital component of success. The question is: how are levels of self-confidence enhanced and maintained?

1. Performance accomplishments: This is the most powerful influencing factor, relating to anything from attaining times in training, improving technique or gaining a successful finishing position in a race. An effective way of tracking performance improvement and achievements is to set goals for yourself in training and competition. Use a training diary to keep track of your goals and achievements to protect your self-confidence, as getting hung up on a poor performance can be damaging.

2. Observation of performance: This can be watching others of a similar standard performing well or watching your own performances. The former helps instil a kind of “if they can do it, so can I” belief. The latter can increase self-confidence – reaffirming how well one is performing.

3. Verbal encouragement: This is most effective when it is received from someone that is valued and respected. If you see a running friend or club mate struggling, give them that praise and encouragement we all need from time to time.

4. Physical state: Relates to how we perceive our body in relation to injury, readiness and nervousness. Obviously, if we are feeling fit and healthy, then we are more likely to believe that we can run well.

3 steps to greater self-belief


1. Evaluate performance in a balanced way by listing as many good elements as bad. Don’t lose sight of your achievements by continually focusing on the areas for improvement.

2. Get a coach or training partner to record parts of your sessions and watch yourself back (especially when you have run well).

3. Perceive nerves as a natural and important part of your pre-race feelings. All athletes experience them, irrespective of standard.