Cross-body Mountain Climber
- Get into a high plank position. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders
- Thrust your right leg out to the left side of your body, returning it quickly to the start position
- Thrust your left leg out to the right side of your body, returning it quickly to the start position
- See how many you can do in 60 seconds
Plank ![IMG_2930](
- Lie face down, resting on your forearms and trying to keep a straight line between your shoulders and ankles. Hold for 30 seconds
- Lift your right, aiming to maintain good form. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeated with left leg
- Try to hold each pose for 30 seconds, aiming for 2 minutes in total
Side plank
- Hold your body in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm, with your elbow directly beneath your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds
- Slowly lift your right leg, aiming to maintain good form. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with left leg
- Hold each pose for 30 seconds, aiming for 2 minutes in total.