Bodyweight Blitz Workout

Sets, reps and frequency

Do each exercise for one minute with twenty seconds rest in between. Repeat the eight-exercise circuit three times.


  1. Diamond press up

Muscles: Triceps

Why do it? Improve your arm drive.


  • Kneel on the floor
  • Place your hands on the floor with your thumbs and index fingers touching
  • Keep your shoulders, hips and knees aligned
  • Ensure your hands are underneath your chest
  • Lower your body as close as possible to the floor
  • Push back up to the starting position

Safety tip: Don’t allow your back to arch during the movement.


       2. Marching bridge

Muscles: Hamstrings, glutes, core

Why do it? Your leg muscles generate power. The stronger your muscles, the faster you’ll be able to run and the easier hills will feel.


  • Lie on your back, with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor
  • Lift your hips off the floor to form a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders
  • Hold this position
  • Lift your right leg up until it forms a right angle at your hips
  • Ensure that you keep your hips level
  • Don’t drop your hips
  • Place your right foot back on the floor
  • Repeat with the left leg
  • Alternate between left and right

Safety tip: If you lose your balance when lifting your legs, only lift your foot slightly off the floor and focus on pulling your belly button to your spine.


      3. Squat jumps

Muscles: Quads, hamstrings, glutes

Why do it? This will improve your fitness as well as build your explosive power, which will improve your ability to sprint at the end of a race.


  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips
  • Bend your knees and swing your arms backwards
  • Jump up, using the forward swinging movement of your arms to help generate height
  • Land with soft knees
  • Keep your jump rate high

Safety tip: Keep your core muscles tight by bracing your stomach muscles.


      4. Pike shoulder press

Muscles: Shoulders

Why do it? This is a great bodyweight exercise to improve your shoulder strength.


  • Kneel on all fours
  • Place your hands directly underneath your shoulders
  • Lift your bottom up and straighten your legs
  • This is the starting position
  • Bend your elbows and lower your head to the floor
  • Straighten your arms

Safety tip: Don’t hold your breath. Don’t do this exercise if you have high blood pressure.


      5. Mountain climber

Muscles: Triceps, shoulders, hip flexors, core

Why do it? This is a great exercise to strengthen your core tone your upper body.


  • Kneel on all fours
  • Lift your knees off the floor
  • Bring your right knee in towards your right elbow
  • Return your leg
  • Bring your left knee in towards your left elbow
  • Alternate between left and right

Safety tip: Keep your core muscles tight and don’t hold your breath.


      6. Roundhouse lunge

Muscles: Quads, glutes, core

Why do it? Multi-directional exercises are a great way to target the muscle fibres that might not always get enough training.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Step forward with your right leg and bend both knees to perform a lunge
  • Step back to the centre position, step sideways with your right leg
  • Bend your right knee and keep your left leg straight
  • Step back to the centre position
  • Step backwards with your right leg and bend both knees to perform a lunge
  • Change over to the left leg and perform a backwards lunge, side lunge and forward lunge
  • Repeat the six lunges. Aim to do as many as you can within your minute.

Safety tip: Keep your upper body upright and core muscles tight.