The HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) yesterday ruled that those using the same gear they receive for the Government’s Cycle to Work legislation, are not eligible to continue to receive the tax-exemption.
The equipment includes reflective trainers, clothing, head lights and ruck sacks, all of which are easily wearable for running.
Naturally, if you want to run in addition to cycling you will still receive the tax exemption, but, those wishing run instead of cycling will now miss out.
Gordon Lott, of run2work, said: “The ruling shows just how much more work needs to be done by Government to address obesity and physical inactivity in the UK.
“Why is the Government penalising those who choose to jog or run to work when it creates at least the same benefits for health, productivity and transport congestion as if they cycle?”
He then added: “The Cycle to Work legislation is out-dated and should reflect modern commuting where many people can’t cycle to work and the only realistic option to get exercise during the week is to run at work or during their commute, whether part or all the way.”
While the ruling means even more of your hard earned money must be spent to stay fit, it raises other issues surrounding obesity, such as Gordon mentioned.
The Cycle to Work scheme recently revealed that including running to work within the scheme would save the Government £925m in expenditure over ten years as well as hundreds of lives.
So where does running go from here? Perhaps you have the answer, comment below.