We all know how important a strong core is to running, but it’s easy to get bored of the traditional exercises: sit-ups, press-ups, burpees, etc.
For a more imaginative bodyweight routine, try doing four rounds of these exercises, spending a minute on each. That’ll result in 16 minutes of core-crafting goodness and, hopefully, zero minutes of boredom.
1. Inch Worm
- Start in the ‘Downward Dog’ yoga position, trying to keep your heels flat on the floor
- Inch your hands forward, until they are as far forward as you can manage while holding the position
- Inch your hands backwards to the starting position
2. Bear Crawl
- Start in the press-up positon, hands directly under shoulders
- Thrust your left leg forward, making sure your left knee goes outside your left elbow
- Keeping that foot where it is, Repeat the move with your right knee, moving slowly forward
3. Superman
- Lie face-down on the ground, hands above heard
- Lift both hands and both legs off the ground together, holding the position for 5 seconds
4. Russian Twist
- Sit on the ground with your hands together and your legs off the ground and slightly bent
- Rotate to the left, until your lift hand lightly touches the ground
- Repeat on the right handside.