Young man running

New targets and goals certainly help to keep runners motivated. In an age where getting sponsored to complete epic events for charity is more common than ever, it’s easy to find yourself saying yes to the next big challenge, before stepping back and asking yourself how you are going to achieve it! Marathons are no longer unusual and even ultras are now a staple part of many runners’ diaries. So what are we seeing a rise in now? Yep, you guessed it: the ‘run streak’.

For those unfamiliar with this term, you will be pleased to know that it doesn’t involve tackling that familiar five-mile route with no clothes on. It simply means running every day for a set period of time. The challenge can be devised by you. Here are the rules: simply choose a target time frame and then run every single day. Without fail. No excuses. Simple, right? I hear nervous coughs…

Huge demands

Physically, running every day is a huge demand and one that requires upmost respect for your body. Indeed, the majority of elite athletes will always factor in one complete rest day at least every 10 days. Training in well planned cycles, and recovering from key sessions, is vital to peaking for race performance. So, a run streak should be treated as an event in itself, rather than being used as training for a race.

Back to basics

It’s important to remember that where you are now, as a runner, is integral to whether you choose this challenge or not. If you have never done any running before, then going from zero to hero will be too great a leap. Only attempt a run streak if you are someone who already runs regularly, so that the progression isn’t a shock to your body. It’s not about fitness levels; so much as it’s about the body being strong enough to endure the impact of running.

Consider seeing a running-specific physio pre-challenge or in the early stages: someone who can watch your running style and advise on key exercises to improve your current weaknesses, so that they won’t turn into niggles or injuries further down the line.

Having a strong enough core and lower limb stability is essential in order for the body to absorb the daily impact of running. A running specific strength and conditioning plan, completed two to three times per week, is imperative: squats, one leg squats, lunges, bridges and plank work are some suggestions for a generic starting point.

Urban Jogger Tying Shoes on Bridge

How should you train for a run streak?

Three things: duration, effort, pace. These are the keys to success. Most commonly, the run streak ‘rule’ is a minimum of one mile per day.

Clearly, as with any training schedule, it’s important to have the correct volume and intensity. For any long period of training or regular running, the golden rule is always to follow a hard training day by an easy one. This refers to distance and pace/effort. Therefore, if you have done a speed session, threshold session or long run, you must have an easier ‘recovery paced run day’ the following day. You may even feel, in order to complete the challenge, that having two or three easier days to really promote recovery is best. Remember: always think long term. You may feel okay today, but it’s recovering from the accumulative build up of training and micro damage at a cellular level, before pushing hard again, that dictates success!

If you are not someone intending on including structured interval sessions within their training, and your intention is to simply cover distance or time each day, then varying the effort and pace from day to day is essential. Trying to go harder, faster or further each day will result in fatigue and breakdown. Running at an easy ‘conversational’ effort everyday will be more maintainable, although a mixture of the two throughout the week is optimal.

Nail your nutrition

Daily nutrition when training is always of the upmost importance, but as with the running, the compete lack of rest days means there is no time for the body to recover or play ‘catch up’ if you have two or three consecutively ‘bad’ nutrition days.

Fuelling and recovering is key, in order to maintain a healthy immune system and aid recovery at a cellular level. Ensure your daily diet is replacing the vitamins and minerals lost through sweat. Pre-run, ensure you are eating a balanced diet consisting of complex carbohydrates. Post-run, consume carbohydrates plus protein, to aid recovery as quickly as possible.

A run streak could be the very thing you need to aid motivation, but be sensible. There is no point running through excessive tiredness or niggles, and as with any of these extreme challenges, your health and well being must take precedent.

5 steps to a successful run streak

Soften up: The terrain upon which you run will also aid success. Try choosing some softer trails or grassy routes. Avoid pounding the pavement for too long.

Back off: Remember, 10 minutes at an easy conversational pace still counts as a run during a run streak, so if you’re tired, back off and be sensible!

Rise and shine: Running early in the morning one day and not until the evening the next actually means you’ve have had 24hrs rest, yet you’ve still run every day.

Tune in: No amount of planning will allow you to predict how your body feels, so please be prepared to adapt and listen to any warning signs.

Treat yourself: A regular massage once a week will flush the legs out. Also, invest in a foam roller to loosen muscles at home.