- Kettlebell swing. This is the ultimate drill for movement efficiency (VO2 economy). Make sure it’s a smooth, fluid movement, and that you activate your hips, glutes and hamstrings. Start with 1min continuous and work up to 5mins.
- Single-leg deadlift. Use any form of weight – emphasise the hip movement while co-ordinating stability around the ankle, knee and pelvis (and all the trunk/core).
- Ketllebell squat. Do a squat while holding a kettle bell in front of you. Look for maximum engagement of hips and trunk and a controlled depth of motion. Low to moderate reps 5-10 with intensity (load) appropriate to lifting experience.
- Mountain climber. A good respiratory workout that also works the shoulders and core. Place your hands in press-up position and pump your legs back and forth. Aim for 60secs, 40secs, 20secs; rest period matches work period.
- Running hill repeats. Go for a short to medium duration against a challenging incline. This will build strength and improve running technique.
The essentials
Exercise mat: PhysioWorld mat, £14.99 physioworldshop.co.uk
Kettle bell: Fitness Mad, £13.99-55.99 kettlebells.co.uk