
Give yourself plenty of time

Unless you’re a half-marathon superstar, don’t enter one for the following week. Do as the header says, give yourself plenty of time, there’s no rush. If you’re serious about a PB, then 10 weeks is a good enough amount of time to really make a change.

Be consistent

Strangely, one of the hardest ones on the list. Choosing specific days to run on will get you in to a regime and force you to be consistent. If you know every Tuesday you have a short run, you will do it. If you make it up week on week, there becomes room to put off your training, with the possibility of trying to squeeze it in altogether. That’s not good! Work in and around your life, it will become far easier. 

No pain no gain

Unfortunately you do have to work hard to get better, and it will come with arduous training. Work hard and you will reap the benefits. Having said that, don’t over do it, the last thing you want is an injury to set you back. Be fierce but gentle, like Muhammad Ali! 

Variety is the spice of life

Depending on whether you have a training plan or not, there should always be room for variety. Not only will it make you an all-round better runner, but it will keep your training from getting boring. You should consider the following: long runs, cross-training, hill sessions, intervals and resistance training. 

Train with others

There’s no need to be a loner, unless you like your solitude of course. Teaming up with a running buddy will make those long runs quicker and provide you with adequate distraction. Plus, you’re less likely to miss those early-morning sessions if you know your mate is waiting for you outside blurry eyed.


Depending on how serious you want to take this will depend on how strict your diet will be. No matter what, diet always makes a difference. Chances are if you’re an active guy there won’t be much need for change. Cut out the chocolate, sweets and fast food, and eat lean high protein meals. You’ll notice a difference in 10 weeks easy.


13.1 miles is a heck of a distance so it’s important that your pacing is on point. Always practice this in training so you know what time be running at on race day. To help you there are an array of watches, apps and gadgetry. Failing that, opt for a good old-fashioned watch and count your minutes! 

Long runs

These are vital nuggets as part of your training. Your body needs to see long miles in order to know how to cope with it. Running the 13.1 mile distance and longer will make you fitter, stronger and a well oiled machine. If you can run 15 miles at a reasonable speed, think of how quick you’ll be over 13.1! 


Always make sure you know what time you’re leaving, where you’re going and how you’re getting there. Take these worries off your mind. It’s also worth doing a little bit of extra research; check out the terrain of the course, speak to previous runners for tips and if you get time, head down there and check it out for yourself.

Race day fuel

You’ll need to ensure your energy is maintains a constant high level. Make sure you eat a good breakfast consisting of slow-release carbohydrates; porridge is a great one, with chopped up bananas and a dash of honey.


Training yourself in to the ground before a half-marathon is not good. You want your legs as strong and as fresh as possible. The week before you should be doing very little, and in the days leading up to the race, even less! 

Rest is best

Always make sure when training that you are resting adequately. A day in-between each session will give you ample time to recover and be ready for the next one. In terms of sleep, you should be aiming for, at the very least, seven hours a night. Feeling tired will hamper training and performance. 

Race day prep

Finally the big day is here, all that’s left for you to do is sort out your kit (making sure it’s shoes you’ve trained in and worn before) and get a good night’s sleep. You’ve obviously done your research which is good, so now you can have a good lunch and dinner, get eight hours sleep and rise for a PB smashing half!

Finally, here’s your 0.1: Luck! Everyone needs a little from time to time, so we wish you it: good luck!