Sets and reps
All the exercises make up one round. At the start of each round, perform 1min of box jumps. Perform the V sit-ups, press-ups and shoulder press as a superset (one exercise after the other, with no rest in between) – aim for 15-25 reps of each. At the end of each round, perform 1min of skipping. Repeat 3-5 times.

box jump

1) Box jump

Muscles: Quads, hamstrings, calves
Why do it? To build explosive power in your legs

  • With your toes against the base of the platform you’re jumping onto, take one big step back and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Drop into a quarter squat, swing your arms and jump explosively up
  • Try to land ‘softly’, with your chest and head up, and immediately drop into the same quarter-squat position you jumped up from
  • Stand upright and step off the box

Watch points: If you’re new to box jumps, begin with a platform no higher than knee height

close grip press up

2) Close-grip press-up

Muscles: Triceps, shoulders
Why do it? To develop the arm power necessary to drive uphill

  • Assume a press-up position, with hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart
  • Brace your core and, keeping your elbows close to your sides, lower your body so that your chest is almost touching the floor
  • Imagine you are pushing through the floor to drive your body back to the starting position

Watch points: Keep a straight back and your elbows tucked in

v sit up

3) V sit-up

Muscles: Abs, quads
Why do it? To create strong, stabilising abs

  • Lie flat on your back with arms and legs outstretched
  • Keeping your arms and legs straight, lift both off the floor at the same time
  • Meet in the middle, aiming to touch your toes with your hands
  • Lower, with control, back to the starting position

Watch points: Maintain control throughout the movement – don’t jolt your body – and focus on keeping straight limbs

inverted shoulder press

4) Inverted shoulder press

Muscles: Shoulders, biceps
Why do it? To maintain good posture and running efficiency in the later stages of a race

  • Assume a press-up position
  • Place your feet on the same platform used for the box jumps
  • Walk your hands in so that your body forms a V shape
  • With hands shoulder-width apart, lower your shoulders until your face almost touches the floor
  • Drive back up to the starting V position

Watch points: If this exercise is too difficult, keep your feet on the ground and walk your hands in towards them


5) Skipping

Muscles: Calves, quads, glutes, shoulders
Why do it? To condition your legs for the unpredictable cross-country terrain

  • Stand on the skipping rope and lift the handles – for the correct length, tightening the rope should leave the handles by your chest
  • Take a step forward, so that the rope is behind you, and stand with feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart
  • With the handles close to your sides and at waist-level, swing the rope over your head and, as it comes round to about shin-height, bounce off the floor
  • Land on the balls of your feet (your heels should not touch the floor) and keep a steady rhythm

Watch points: Practice makes perfect. For efficient skipping, don’t  jump too high off the floor, and remember to breathe!