We all know that becoming a good runner involves more than simply putting in the miles. Core exercises, conducted two or three times a week, can help you maintain form during the latter part of long races. You’ll be quicker, stronger and less likely to get injured. Best of all, core exercises are free and can be performed pretty much anywhere. Here are five that every runner should try…

The bridge



  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor
  • Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Lift your left leg, trying to keep it in line with your body. Hold for 10 seconds
  • Place your right leg back on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. The repeat with right leg


Jack knife

Jack knife

  • Lie flat on your back with your hands above your head
  • Lift your hands and legs simultaneously, meeting in the middle




  • Lie face down, resting on your forearms and trying to keep a straight line between your shoulders and ankles. Hold for 30 seconds
  • Lift your right, aiming to maintain good form. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeated with left leg.

Side plank

Side plank

Side plank

  • Hold your body in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm, with your elbow directly beneath your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds
  • Slowly lift your right leg, aiming to maintain good form. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with left leg.