Products containing magnesium

Magnesium is a key mineral that is vital to health and performance, acting as a cofactor in more than 300 different reaction steps within the body.  It also plays an important role in bone development, energy production, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve functioning and maintenance in normal heath rhythm.  The modern diet is generally low in magnesium due to the increased consumption of processed foods, which often have poor nutrient levels.  Soil degradation in the developed world has also led to lower nutrient levels in traditional magnesium rich foods such as spinach.

Runners will also require higher levels of magnesium due to losses through perspiration, increased stress levels on the body and often a diet rich in calcium.

1 – Helps you sleep better

It is well documented that poor sleep can have a dramatic effect on general health as well as running performance.  What is less well known is that a deficiency in magnesium can be one of the main factors affecting our quality of sleep by controlling stress hormones and melatonin.  A lack of magnesium can also be responsible for restless muscles, particularly after an evening workout and this can keep you awake at night.

2 – Lowers Stress

Think of magnesium as the relaxation mineral, both for muscles and for stress levels.  This is due to the fact that serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system, is dependent on the presence of magnesium.  Magnesium also plays a role in the maintenance of normal heart rhythm.

3 – Supports Muscle Function

Magnesium directly interacts with your muscle tissue through a process called ion transportation. Magnesium bonds with specific receptor sites that open up the cell membrane and allow other minerals such as calcium and potassium to entre.  These ions help regulate muscle contractions and reduce muscle tension.

4 – Improves Performance

Magnesium plays a vital role in energy production and your cells need magnesium to be present in order to convert glycogen into glucose for energy.  It stands to reason, therefore that magnesium deficiency can be responsible for a lack of energy delivery to the working muscle.

5 – Helps reduce tiredness and fatigue

Alongside the role in assisting sleep, a key contributor to running performance, magnesium also assists protein synthesis which is vital post run to ensure optimal muscle recovery and therefore reduce muscle soreness on subsequent training efforts, particularly if running on consecutive days.

Dark leafy greens such as kale or spinach along with beans and nuts provide a good source of natural magnesium.  You can also add Magnesium to your diet by taking effervescent magnesium supplements to ensure levels are replenished to support normal body functions.  A 4-6 week program of daily magnesium supplementation should be enough to elevate magnesium levels in the body.  Etixx Magnesium Absorption+ is a chelated form of magnesium, making it highly bioavailable, i.e. your body can absorb more of it than if taken as a standard supplement.

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Credit: Glenn Kearney is the head sports nutritionist at Etixx UK and has previously worked with UK Athletics. For more information on Etixx sports nutrition, please visit: