homemade sports drink

Here’s an alternative to your regular sports drink—a little lighter and a lot more natural. The ratio of sugar and salt is based on the World Health Organization’s recommendation for hydration solutions: 3.5 grams of carbohydrate per 100 milliliters, or a 3.5% solution. (The combination of sugar and salt is important because the glucose accelerates the body’s uptake of the solution, speeding rehydration.)


2 cups (480 ml) water or coconut water

½ tsp. sea salt

4 tsp. honey or white granulated sugar

1 large slice lemon or lime


Mix all the ingredients together well, pour into water bottles, and keep chilled until you are ready to go.

Try other flavours using 1 tablespoon fresh mint, ½ cup fresh berries, half of an orange, etc.

And that’s it!

Republished with permission of VeloPress from The Athlete’s Fix: A Program to Find Your Best Foods for Performance and Health by Pip Taylor. Get started at theathletesfix.net.